Magic Monday, Rosina and Jack.

Publié le par Rachel Torres McFarling-Maté

Monday seems as good a day as any to start this blog!
I never liked Monday's, (to quote Bob Geldof), as something always seems to blind-side me. But from now on, I am going to name this day Magic Monday. Something will make me smile on Monday now - I am determined!
Less seriousness now. Off we go! I have decided to start this blog to record in words, pictures or music, (I hope) the life around me here in Angoulême and maybe furthur afield. Why? Because it has been nine years that I've have made my life in France and more things have happened in those short nine years than in the first 30 years of my life.
Why in English? Well, it is my maternal language - which, by the way I feel I am losing a little bit each year, so here is a way of keeping it alive! However, for my French readers I will have sections written in French.

Despite room 108 being a little bit dreary to work in, (really for solfège, so drearier than most!) we do nonetheless have good company. Such as Werner Bischof.

And here are those famous flute fingers of Rosina Wachtmeister:


Of course, this last one isn't up on the wall of 108, (otherwise life would be of a far superior quality than usual!)It is, of course, Jack. Photogenic despite only having one eye. Desperate for attention and knows how to get it!

Here is the answer to the question you may be asking. Did I get my Magic Monday? Well, not exactly - at least, not in the way I expected. My hubby, Hugues, was the one who was blind-sided today, (even though he half-expected it), and as for me, I now feel only half-doomed on a Monday. And thanks to Jack and the likes of Rosina, I have seen that Mondays can be Magical, even if I have to go in search of that magic.

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